New Years resolutions are a joke.

 I literally mean that, new years resolutions are a joke. I often hear people making light of the things they are setting out to resolve for the coming new year and quite often its along the lines of being quirky or funny. I am sure you have heard a resolution or two that brought a chuckle or sigh. But to be frank with you I am not writing this to share funny stories with you. I am writing this to share with you  what it means to make a resolution and how making one is a sure sighn of the relevance in goal setting. 

      When you ask yourself what is your NYR for 2018, keep in mind that failure is part of the process of success and that it shouldn't deter you or discourage you. When someone decides what it is they want to achieve or accomplish they evaluate and consider many opportunities where room for growth is present. It may be the case for most that reflecting on your last year will help you to shape your NYR for the coming year.  Now to get to the tile of this Blog post, That NYR are a joke. 

    The joke is on those who don't see that this process of contemplation or reflection is really something you should have built in or strive to have built into your regular daily routine. It seems silly to think that once a year you allow yourself to ponder what it is you could or should be doing better but the rest of the year its daily grinding 9-5 and stagnant. If you find inspiration or hope in making a NYR then consider this. Goal setting is drilled into us at a young age and said to be one of the many common denominators within successful people . Seems easy to forget if one of your goals in life aren't that itself, keeping goals. We know without a doubt personal goal setting is almost magical and surly useful at least. Setting a NYR is nothing short of what i believe a goal should be. The trick is, or joke if you that you only need to do this once a year half heartedly and loose at best. 

     Deciding what it is you want, weather you want to accomplish something in health, wealth or relationships , is not always simple and shouldn't be. The process of deciding what you want can be intimidating or even seemingly useless to some. I don't think that I have to remind you that visualizing a said goal is important, but if  your in doubt, Just look at the greatest minds of all time and you will see that the use of visualization is a sure component of  making great things happen. I believe the greatest at this was Albert Einstein and Martin Luther King Jr.  Since your in control of what it is you think of (dream of) then your already half way there.  So first things first , Decide.  Making conciouse decisions is not the same as caring for daily tasks. It usually requires a moment or two of silence and some clarity. Most of my best ideas come in the early morning or late night when things are quite and distractions are not present.  It is imperative that you take the time to deliberately decide what you want and visualize with as much detail as possible. 

     Back to goal setting, which at this point I hope you see is the same as a NYR.  Writing down your goals is almost the most important  if not the most important step. We all have access to a pen and paper and that to me means access to your mind, let me explain. We can so easily be distracted so often that we don't even see it happening, This is unacceptable. Writing something down whatever it is can help you to be reminded of your current goals but even better, It reminds others and that helps with positive reinforcement. The clearer the goal the better. Goals such as wanting to be happier  or lose weight are loose goals and should be refined . If your saying you want to be happier than ask why and for what reason. You may be surprised to find that what your really looking for is much more than happiness . Considering that happiness is  momentary maybe what your really looking for is Peace, or clarity or purpose. If your trying to lose weight then Defining why and how is very important. You may find that your more compelled to Take action if your goal is more defined and sounds something like this -  I want to have more energy and vitality so that I can enjoy my family more often . I want to increase my energy levels so that enjoying vacation or the outdoors doesn't have to be such a burden.  

     Visualizing these things that you now feel confident in and you want for yourself is easy, but may be new to you. So here it is, my two cents.  Sit quietly with your phone off and distractions on hold. Think of what it is you have decided to do and  visualize in your mind what it would look like if you were already doing it. See yourself to such detail saturated in this so much that you start to feel it working its way into your emotions. Once you start to feel the excitement or joy surround the vision then you have done it. But don't stop there. I believe you could never go to deep into visualizing your goals and should dive deeper and deeper into them as often as possible for as long as possible. 

     This is the last day of 2017 and this day will never happen again, don't take it for granted and wait for tomorrow to start the journey of living your dreams. Tomorrow marks the first day of a new year and gives hope to possibilities. But so does today. Today is still fresh and you decide what to do with it. Its your goals hopes and dreams that you get to chase. I would encourage you to not wait till tomorrow but start today. Show yourself what your really made of buy Goal setting today and taking the opportunity now! Waiting for tomorrow is a sure road to failure. At some point you must learn to be a goal setter, dreamer and decision maker for your own life, and daily! Don't wait for tomorrow and shurely dont wait for next year even if it is only a day away.  Like my Friend Billionaire PA. says, " Speak your dreams into existence and then execute".  


If you have any comments to add to this idea please, please post them below and lets help to support one another . Lets build each other up and share the love. Thanks for reading- Joshua
